This post is about detachment quotes to live in a state of flow

Detachment seems to be a trend right now. Many people are wondering how and why detachment is important. Well, detachment is a way to live life without stress or anxiety. You might say okay cool but how is that? There is a lot of information on the law of detachment out there, but I’ll break it down for you.
The basic law of detachment is becoming unattached to an outcome and just be in the process. It’s pretty self explanatory, right? Wrong. I know first-hand that learning to let go of things is difficult. I am an overthinker at the core so learning how to detach has been a rough road.
However, there is a way out. I have put together some detachment quotes that personally changed my life. These detachment quotes have not only altered my perception of life but opened my mind to new possibilities. Rereading these detachment quotes allows me to live in a non-thinking/ free flowing life to build an abundance mindset. As an overthinker, it’s the most freeing process I have ever experienced.
Detachment Quotes to live in a state of Flow
- “Sometimes you have to get out of your own way and let life just happen. ~SimpliSelf
- “There is no need to force anything nor expect, just simply be” ~SimpliSelf
- “Nothing in life is personal” ~SimpliSelf
- “Control yourself not others. Let someone show you who they are and then decide where they belong in your life” ~SimplieSelf
- “It is okay to just be” ~ unknown
- “Negative thoughts will never create a positive life” ~unknown
- “Everything works in your favor” ~unknown
- “Instead of embracing negative thoughts/experiences find a reason to let things go” ~SimpliSelf
- “Learn to let go of things that don’t ask to be held” ~ unknown

- “What is meant for you will always find you” ~unknown
- “Letting go of your opinions make it much easier to listen to others with an open mind” ~SimpliSelf
- “To truly “let go” you have to be willing to surrender to yor consciousness and purely live in the present” ~SimpliSelf
- “The furture and the past do not exist only the present” ~unknown
- “Our feelings do not come from external events, but from our own thinking about the events” ~Joseph Nguyen
- “The root cause of our suffering is our thinking. We feel what we think” ~Joseph Nguyen
- “Anxiety is thought without control. Flow is control without thought” James Clear
- “We are only one thought away from peace, love and joy – which come from a state of no thought” ~Dicken Bettinger
- “People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
- “To a mind without the limits of thinking, anything is possible” ~ Joseph Nguyen
- “Once you start thinking and over alayzing that is when negative emotions show up” ~SimpliSelf
- “You negative feelings towards a situation is due to your thinking” ~unknown
- “Surrender to the state of existing. Living in state of flow is the purest form of detachment” ~SimpliSelf

- “Let go of how and when something should happen. If it is meant for you it will find you.” ~SimpliSelf
- “Everything you desire desires you more, so it is safe to let go of your desires” ~SimpliSelf
- “If you want to be free, happy, peaceful , and full of love, then you will need to let go of listening only to your mind and go beyond it” ~Joseph Nguyen
- “Negative emotions are an indication of a misunderstanding.” ~Joseph Nguyen
- “You have everything you need for this moment” ~SimpliSelf
- “Everything always happens in your best interest” ~unknown
- “Let go of all expectations and realese the need to judge or criticize” ~SimpliSelf
- “Ground yourself in the present, it will allow you to make decisions purely on your intuition” ~SimpliSelf
- “To live in a state of flow, you must practice non-thinking and listen to your intuition.” ~SimpliSelf
- ‘Resisting how things make you feel will only make it harder for you to let that feeling go. Validate the feeling and then let it go” ~SimpliSelf
- “You embrace your true potential once you release your limiting beliefs” ~unknown
- “You do not need external validation. Your own validation is enough” ~SimpliSelf
- “Happy people don’t hate” ~unknown
Thoughts Vs Thinking
It is inevitable to have a thought pop up in your mind. You do not have to force a thought they just appear out of nothing. However, thinking is when you start to think about the thought you just had. Thinking is what causes negative emotions. In other words, thinking is the root cause of your suffering.
Look I know that was a lot but open your mind up to the possibility that thinking causes negative experiences/emotions. Now that you know thinking is the “enemy” how do you stop? Well, once you comprehend that thinking is the root cause of your own suffering and negativity in your life it is easy to let it go. It seems too simple, but the truth is always simple. It is only when things are complex when it is far from the truth (because of thinking).
Final Thoughts (Ironically)
Using the detachment quotes above are a good way to build a solid foundation for living in the present. I have shared multiple detachment quotes for you to learn how to let go of the past and the future and purely embrace the present. Follow your intuition, practice these detachment quotes to build an abundance mindset and you’ll be amazed of the miracles coming your way.