This post is about Inspirational Quotes that will help you become your True Self.

Do you ever feel the need to do something just to fit in? Just because everyone else is doing it? The answer is Yes! Everyone has experienced this feeling even if its not related to their true self.
It’s quite normal to want to fit in or just be liked by others. It’s human nature to want to be accepted by the community or by loved ones. I to have felt this way. However, this motivation to fit in takes away from being your authentic self.
Being your true self is a hard pill to swallow because that means you do things that purely correlate with your authentic self. Meaning, you have enough confidence in yourself to do things out of the norm even if they aren’t accepted by others.
What does being Authentic mean?
Being authentically you means embracing who you truly are. This includes your thoughts, feelings, values, and uniqueness. It’s applying all these attributes without trying to conform to others’ expectations of you. Purely living in alignment with your true self rather than putting up a facade to fit in.
To be more authentic, you should start with being honest with yourself. Understand your true values and beliefs then act in alignment with them. You should do this no matter what is popular or expected of you. Make choices based on what matters to you not to someone else.
Embracing your true self leads to meaningful connections, self-confidence and a more fulfilling life. Using the inspirational quotes below can create an understanding of how to be your true self.
45 Inspirational Quotes to Tap into Your Authentic Self
- “Your commitment to being authentic had to be greater than your desire for approval” ~Ash Alves
- “You are worthy to be your authentic self” ~ Unknown
- “Value your own opinion above others” ~SimpliSelf
- “Authenticity will take you places where people pleasing can’t” ~Sara Kuburic
- “Being your authentic self has the most power; don’t suppress it” ~unknown
- “You do not need external validation. Your own validation is enough” ~SimpliSelf

- “When you are saying yes, make sure you are not saying no to yourself” ~Paul Coelho
- “Your choice don’t need to make sense to othes” ~Unknown
- “Your self-worth is determined by you. You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish” ~Prof Feynman
- “You are your source of happiness and love. Nothing you need is ever outside of you” ~Unknown
- “Choosing yourself is the most powerful decision you’ll ever make” ~Unknown
- “Becoming your best self starts with honoring your true self.” ~Unknown
- “You are allowed to be your authentic self” ~ Unknown
- “No one decides your self-wroth without your approval” ~SimpliSelf
- “Stay true to yourself and your values. Authenticity breeds confidence, respect, and genuine connections with others” ~Unknown
- “Putting your own values and energy first is not selfish.” ~SimpliSelf
- “Appreciate people who know they aren’t for everyone and don’t try to be” ~Ash Alves
- “When you heal, you go from wanting to be chosen to doing the choosing” ~Unknown
- “Be brave enough to show the world who you are without an apology” ~Ash Alves
- “It takes courage to be yourself in a world where you are constantly told that who you are isn’t enough.” ~Ash Alves
- “Being yourself is the biggest gift you can offer yourself and others” ~Ash Alves
- “Authenticity looks like stepping outside of the boxes people place you in, even in the face of disapproval.” ~Ash Alves
- “Authenticity is staying true to yourself even when others do not understand you” ~Unknown

- “Choose to put your energy on yourself before others” ~SimpliSelf
- “Be so authentically you that others feel safe to be themselves too” ~ Our Mindful Life
- “Trust yourself enough to the point you no longer need external validation” ~Unknown
- “Value your own opinion and feeling above anyone elses” ~Unknown
- “You are worthy to be unapologetically yourself” ~Unknown
- “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” ~ Oscar Wilde
- “Know that it is safe to be yourself: you are worthy to be yourself no matter what” ~SimpliSelf
- “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are” ~ Brene Brown
- “The moment you stop apologizing for being you is the moment you start shining” ~Unknown
- “Putting your needs before others is not selfish. It is an act of self love” ~SimpliSelf
- “Your self-worth is not tied to anyone but yourself. Trust your intuition and place people where they belong in your life” ~SimpliSelf
- “Be enough for yourself first, the rest of the world can wait” ~Uknown
- “This time, choose yourself” ~Unknown
- “Your true self is always there, making itself known. Waiting for you to align with it. ~Ash Alves
- “Make note of your thoughts, opinions and boundaires, make sure YOU value and respect them” ~SimpliSelf
- ‘To be authentic, you must trust your own thoughts and intuition above others” ~SimpliSelf
- “Remember doing what you love is not embarrassing” ~Unknown
- “Stay aligned with your own energy and let people meet you there” ~SimpliSelf
- “Learn who you are. Unlearn who they told you to be” ~Unknown
- “When you choose yourself everything around you will choose you too” ~Maia
- “Create a life you don’t need to escape from” ~Unknown
- “Nothing will be enough until YOU decide it’s enough” ~SimpliSelf
Why aren’t people their True Selves?
To begin, majority of people don’t realize they’re not being authentic in their lives. We are so numb to the need of external validation we don’t even stop and question it. I know first-hand how hard it is to step out and have a different look on reality when that’s all you know.
Moreover, many of us live in a state of fear. We fear rejection, being wrong, laughed at, being seen as different or weird. That’s why we seek external validation and rather conform to the majority. We lack self-confidence and self-trust, thinking others values and opinions are more important than our own.
However, that’s simply not true. Your thoughts, opinions, and feelings are all valid, real and important. Having the confidence to share them can be daunting but using inner healing affirmations can help create a strong foundation for self-confidence.
Signs you are not being your True Self
There are many signs that indicate you are not being your true self.
Here are a few:
- Emotional Exhaustion
- Disconnect from yourself
- Regret
- Inner conflict
- Superficial Relationships
Being disconnected from yourself means you lost touch of what genuinely makes you happy. Living inauthentically can create internal tensions that will make you feel anxious and unfulfilled.
Not being your true self will attract people and things that are not aligned to who you truly are. Leading to a less fulfilling life. How much time is going to pass before you realize you’re spending your life trying to please others instead of pleasing yourself?
Why being your True Self is Important
I have personally felt the need to fit in as well. Looking for external validation everywhere I went. Making sure I wasn’t doing things out of the ordinary to be accepted by others. For example, not talking too much so I don’t say the wrong thing, not trying new things so I don’t look stupid, or even wearing too much makeup to be accepted by males. I mean the list goes on, but it does stop.
Furthermore, once I learned the power of self-love, I began to realize I am enough as I am right now. Looking for external validation from others seemed dumb. Those people don’t know all the hardships you’ve been through or all the thoughts that go through your head daily. So, why would I give them the power to dictate who my true self is?
Therefore, embracing your true self means having the self-confidence to do what will purely make you happy and fulfilled. Even when those things are not accepted by majority. You know who you are and what your dream life looks like. Why would you allow someone else to dictate your true self?
Final Thoughts
Embracing your true self is not selfish it’s an act of self-love. It demonstrates the amount of respect you hold for yourself. Being authentic will open the door to opportunities that purely align with you. Being your true self is an incredibly freeing process and allows room for a more fulfilled life. I hope the inspirational quotes above serve as a foundation on your self-love journey.
You are beautiful. You are worthy. Thank You!
~SimpliSelf ♡